CBR600RR (2003 >) ECU-flash tuning chiptuning

ECU Part Numbers:
38770-MFJ-A42, 38770-MFJ-A43, 38770-MFJ-B31, 38770-MFJ-D41, 38770-MFJ-D42
38770-MFJ-F31, 38770-MFJ-F32, 38770-MFJ-J42, 38770-MFJ-L32, 38770-MFJ-L33
21175-MJC-W01, 38770-MJC-A01, 38770-MJC-D01, 38770-MJC-F01, 38770-MJC-J01
38770-MJC-J02, 38770-MJC-L01, 38770-MJC-M51, 38770-MJC-N31, 38770-MJC-W01
38770-MKZ-J02, 38770-MKZ-N01, 38770-MKZ-U01

Chiptuning / ECU Flashing for Honda CBR600RR


CLICK HERE, for downloading the flashing form (PDF)
or as Word document (DOC)
(Filled in example)


Customize your own tune file, possible ECU modifications:

* Improved fuel maps
* Improved ignition maps
* Remove factory timing retard
* Remove throttle restrictions
* Increased idle
* Increased rev limiter
* Remove speed limiters (gear dependent)
* Reduce excessive engine braking/improved deceleration
* Improved throttle control & reaction
* Remove injector shut-off on deceleration
* Eliminate factory “error codes” **
  (removing the exhaust servo motor * O2 sensors * steering dampers * pair valve AIS system)
* Injector phasing adjustment
* Velocity stack switching adjustment (variable stacks only)
* Race fuel mapping

 ** Not possible for Mitsubishi ECU´s

All ECU’s can be reprogrammed back to their stock settings at any time. (Fees will apply)

Articolo Prodotto (i)- Prezzo
Disabilita i codici di errore (ove possibile)

Se desideri solo disattivare i codici di errore senza utilizzare il nostro FLASH Centralina AD ALTE PRESTAZIONI  offriamo questo servizio a.

€ 199,00 Inc VAT
€ 164,46 Ex VAT

Ottimizzazione flash ECU ad alte prestazioni Honda / BMW (Stage 2)

Se desideri acquistare un flash Centralina BMW / Honda ad alte prestazioni, le tue mappe di iniezione del carburante e/o le mappe di accensione...

€ 429,00 Inc VAT
€ 354,55 Ex VAT

Limitato a pieno potere

If you only want to remove the restrictions and fault codes without using our HIGH PERFORMANCE Centralina FLASH   we offer this service at..

€ 349,00 Inc VAT
€ 288,43 Ex VAT

prima e dopo il banco prova + messa a punto ECU

DYNO RUN For this price, your motorcycle Centralina will be fine-tuned on the dyno. This is an additional amount, added to an Centralina flash....

€ 249,00 Inc VAT
€ 205,79 Ex VAT

Dynotune - Payment for appointment

To confirm a Dynotune appointment, we require a deposit. Please note: If you cancel the appointment within 5 working days before the scheduled date,..

€ 50,00 Inc VAT
€ 41,32 Ex VAT

Honda CBR600RR quickshifter + launch control race tool 2a Compreso High Performance ECU Flash Tuning

Honda CBR600RR quickshifter and launch control 2007-2016 Honda Race Tools + high performance flash The Race Tools package allows you to add...

€ 999,00 Inc VAT
€ 825,62 Ex VAT

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